Tuesday, June 30, 2009

random in folder


こどものしわざ KODOMONOSHIWAZA said...

jphdiiiiii!! this is junko!!!
give me a contact!!!!!!!!

zutt said...

ya ya yay i you found me back!! i looked all over for you ...........on the net for a contact or email!!!!!!! i am happy ....how r u?????????

zutt said...
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こどものしわざ KODOMONOSHIWAZA said...

I am fine, I moved to a new place TOTTORI now. I am so happy to see your works attached me so much since I was in CSA. Do you lost my e-mail address???

Do you live in Merbourne?
Video making looks nice. I didn't work now, looking after my son who is rather active boy.
You work and have a baby now???

Must be very busy.
I must try to visit Australia somehow.

Then, i know There are lots of person named Junko Matsumoto around this world, seaching internet.
This is my current problem.

How can I identify myself in this net society?

dear you


Leaving for my son goes to his bed .
soon we should video chatttt!!!